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A common question that arises in the minds of people owning small businesses like small cafes, store areas, ice cream stalls is that; why to buy big ice machines? With everyday enhancement in technology, we get introduced to such amazing electronic machines that make our work easier. One of them is a portable ice machine. This machine is an asset to our new developing technology. It’s a beautifully designed machine with latest technology used in it. Not everyone around is aware of this amazing creativity. A portable ice machine has a lot of benefits that no other machine can fulfill; like a freezer can never work like a portable ice machine but the vice-versa is totally possible. Isn’t that interesting? Here are some points that will make you believe that why is it necessary to have a portable ice machine rather than the big ones for small businesses or even at homes.

Easy maintenance and best quality ice
Maintenance is very much easier than a big machine as the operation involved are not complicated. apart from this, it takes less time in cleaning process as is smaller in size. Ice produced is more fresher as isn’t stored with any other food item like those in case of freezers.
Easy installation and energy saving
The installation of a portable ice maker is very easy. It only uses 105 watt of power which indeed saves a lot of energy. It can be kept in any place without feeding it with some constant power supply. It is also cost effective for the user as the portable ice maker consumes minimal energy than big ice machines. To have a brief idea click here.
Trans portability and Quick ice supply
Fulfills the need of urgent need of ice at home be it for parties or any accident. They are quick and easy to use. iCube production rate id around 15-22 kgs per day. Main feature it has is it’s portability; we can carry it to picnic spots or anywhere we like.
Price plays a very significant role here. You all might be wondering that a machine with such specifications would be very costly but the answer is no, it’s just 16,500(including GST and excluding the shipping charges). It might seem costly to some small businesses but they may have the benefit of GST credit over it and would be cheaper any ways.
I know you all might have more questions in your head. To know more click here this gives you five more reasons to bring this appliance home. To explore more visit our site.